Leslie Hunt

Leslie Hunt

The year in which Leslie Hunt became the fifth principal of Wycliffe College was on that contained ominous, if embryonic, portents for the future. The post-war expansion of church life in and around Toronto had witnessed the establishment of a great many new parishes in the diocese, some of the m on very precarious foundations of finance and church population. During his tenure of office Leslie Hunt always present the challenge of evangelism to the students. Proclaiming Christ as Savior and Lord to the world dying in sin had been at the heart of all preaching, and as the civil and theological turbulence of the nineteen-sixties came increasingly into prominence , he voiced the need for a strong evangelistic effort to bring the peace of Christ into men’s hearts. The Leslie Hunt years were a time of challenge for both principal and college. Had Wycliffe been under the leadership of a man with a less sure grasp of the essentials of the Christian faith, it might not have come through the testing-time of theological ferment with its strength intact. Had the college been directed by a principal with a less convinced understanding of what a Christian academic community should be, it could easily have suffered the sharp decline experienced by other institutions in this period.