Without some familiarity with the original languages in which the Bible was written - - primarily Hebrew and Greek - - scholarly study of the Bible is greatly hindered. Fortunately, there are now many tools that enable the student to access the original languages without knowing these languages in their entirety. (In fact knowledge of the alphabets to these languages is all that is required to make significant inroads.).
This course will provide students with knowledge of, access to, and practice at using original language tools and resources that come in both hardcopy and electronic forms. Students will start by learning the Greek and Hebrew alphabets, including the convention of identifying Hebrew vowels. The course will follow with instruction on the meaning of the basic grammatical and syntactical features of these languages, so that reference made to them in these resources will assist students in exegesis. The resources to which students will be coached in accessing and understanding will include Interlinear Bibles, Concordances, lexicons, theological wordbooks and original-language based commentaries.
The learning of g,ammar will be tied to selected portions of the Bible that especially illustrate the value of knowing Greek or Hebrew
This course was previously taught under the title "Tools and Tips for Study of the Bible in the Original Languages".