Academic Success Resources

 SLP3381 03

The following resources may be useful to you in particular areas depending on your needs. You will find instructions and resources on doing theological research, how to read, writing help, bibliography and so on.  They are derived from multiple sources. University of Toronto (for conjoint students) also offers extensive services on academic success: Centre for Learning Strategy Support - UofT Student Life (

Conjoint degree program Wycliffe students have physical and digital access to the the full University of Toronto Libraries system. Non-conjoint students have physical access to TST's six member college libraries. Certain digital resources are available for non-conjoint students through Graham Library, please contact the registrar's office for details. 

University of Toronto Libraries is one of the leading academic research library systems in world, and the largest academic library in Canada. In addition to millions of books, the library system provides access to thousands of full-text electronic journals, and hundreds of online databases and resources. 

The majority of theological materials are located in TST's member college libraries and the University of Toronto's John P. Robarts Research Library, the University's central humanities and social sciences library.

All holdings can be found within the University of Toronto Libraries' online catalogue.

Information on borrowing materials from a TST member college library, an affiliated member institution, or accessing special collections can be found here

Graham Library

Since 2000 the John W. Graham Library has comprised the merged Wycliffe and Trinity College collections. It serves as an important resource for Anglican studies and a base for scholars from all parts of the world.


Biblical Weblinks >>

From Tyndale House Cambridge, UK. This metasite contains bibles in 100+ modern translations, ancient versions, lexicons, maps, pseudepigraph, background material for the ancient Near East, Greek, Roman and Jewish worlds, early church history, theology, patristics and other religions, online books, articles, abstracts, bibliographic help and links for free access, and bible software for different platforms and the web, unicode fonts and keyboards. Registered users can update or supplement links.Excellent site.

Bible Study Tools from Bible Sprout >>

This site provides some links to Bible study tools, organizations and resources

The UnBound Bible >>

Bible text and reference site posted by Biola University in California. Includes a substantial collection of biblical texts in several languages (its strongest feature), allows word and reference searches, as well as lexical searches (by Strong's number). Also includes some public domain reference tools.

The World of Biblical Studies >>

General Bible reference tools and resources collected by Ralph W. Klein, Professor of Old Testament at the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago.

Bible Crawler >>

Designed for finding quotes and allusions.

Bible Web App >>

Makes it easy to read Greek and Hebrew. Its Reader Appprovides needed help.

Bible Arc >>

Allows for analysis of NT text. For the OT, use the Tanak Analyser and turn the Masoretic punctuation into a visual structure. Not free.

Biblos >>

Has some very useful tools. See its multi-version concordance and the Greek/Hebrew interlinear versions linked to lexicons.

Sword >>

Provides the best access to all free resources including for example the OT in parallel Greek, Hebrew, and English. It has the NT in parallel Greek and English, with linked parsing.

Second Temple Synagogues >>

Site developed by Donald Binder ands devoted to the study of Second Temple Synagogues that is, synagogues which existed prior to the Jerusalem Temple's destruction in year 70 AD. A companion to his book Into the Temple Courts: The Place of the Synagogues in the Second Temple Period (Atlanta: SBL, 1999).

Bible Gateway >>

Bible texts searchable by word or reference; users can search any of 17 English translations or translations in any of 29 other languages.

Crosswalk >>

Contains a variety of Bible study tools, including some current translations. Many of the other study tools are old, public domain materials.

Parallel Study Bible >>

Allows you to view two different translations, if present, of a particular language. Has word and phrase search capability as well as verse display.

NET Bible: The Biblical Studies Foundation >>

The NET Bible is a new translation produced by the Biblical Studies Foundation; it is available as an online text complete with footnotes or can be downloaded for free in HTML format. Valuable for word studies (includes Strong's numbers), translation notes, interlinear, and other tools.

Bible Research by Michael Marlowe >>

Internet Bible research tools by Michael Marlowe, a moderately opinionated Calvinist free-lance writer and editor with a M.A. in biblical studies from Pittsburgh Theological Seminary (a Presbyterian school).

Interlinear Bible >>

Searchable within whole Bible or by Testament, category (e.g. Law, Gospels, Epistles) in Strong's version (KJV or NAS).

Bible and Reference >>

Bible search utility, as well as reference tools, devotional and apologetic aids, Bible studies, quizzes, Christian history resources, and sermon aids. On the Christianity Today site.

Blue Letter Bible >>

Site containing searchable Bible text and study tools. Bible searches must, however, be performed on KJV text, but this text does contain inline links to other translations and tools. Helpful for easily accessing Greek and Hebrew. Online Bible Study >>

Clearing house site containing bibles, reference tools, classic devotional material, autobiographies of George Fox, Charles Finney, and John Bunyan, and a few other primary source documents.

New Testament Gateway >>

Award winning web directory of internet resources on the New Testament. Browse or search annotated links on everything from the Greek New Testament to Jesus in Film. Comprehensive, well organized, and searchable site maintained by Mark Goodacre, Duke University.

Bible King James Version >>

Searchable by word, phrase, proximity operators.

Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words >>

From W.E. Vine, Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words (1940) with search page and hyperlinked, alphabetical listing of words.

Biblical Studies on the Web >>

Search index, commentaries, electronic journals,libraries, and more.

Resources for Biblical Studies >>

Scholarly studies of the early Christian writings and their social world including bible texts, translations, Mediterranean social world, and Philo of Alexandria.

Scripture in Early Judaism and the NT >>

Bibliographies and articles (Bock, Blomberg, Moyise).

N.T.Wright >>

Site for the eminent and prolific New Testament scholar.Has extensive list of articles, papers, audio/video resources on Paul, Jesus, and a range of other subject areas including Anglican Church debates, works in translation, interviews, newspaper articles, reviews, and works about NTW.

The Paul Page >>

The Paul Page is devoted to the new scholarship of James P. Dunn, N.T. Wright and others who have revolutionized the study of Paul in the last three decades. Has articles, reviews, discussion forums, links, and conference announcements.

Holman Bible Dictionary >>

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia >>

Bible Dictionaries >>

Biblical Texts >>

Lexicons >>

Searchable English and non-English Bible texts, as well as dictionaries, commentaries, and devotional materials. Relatively good collection of resources, but cumbersome interface.


General Commentaries

Bible Commentaries >>

Links to many online commentaries. First, choose the book of the Bible you want to research, then choose the author whose commentary you would like to read. An excellent resource. Also features a selection of other study tools.

Bible Gateway Commentaries >>

Several IVP NT commentaries are available on this Bible Gateway web site.

Calvin's Commentaries >>

Posted on the CCEL web site, this site contains all of John Calvin's biblical commentaries, from the Calvin Translation Society's edition.

A Commentary on the New Testament >>

Excerpts from John Lightfoot's (1602-1675) NT commentary. Dated, but possibly useful.

Online Bible Commentaries >>

Collection of commentaries including Gill, Darby, Matthew Henry, Lightfoot, and Geneva.


Language Study & Exegesis


Inquiries into Biblical Languages -- Hebrew and Greek >>

Web site posted by David Washburn, an independent scholar and author from Arizona. The more useful part of the site is his collection of links to Greek and Hebrew language resources, including biblical texts, Dead Sea Scrolls project, textual criticism and archaeology.

Learn Greek Online >>

Course hosted by Michael W. Palmer includes grammar, topical index, lexicon, and blog.

Codex >>

Resources for Biblical, Theological, and Religious Studies, maintained by Tyler F. Williams, Assistant Professor of Theology, The King's University College, Edmonton, AB, Canada. Includes Kittel Database for Hebrew FlashWorks, Hebrew resources, course syllabi, blogs, language tools.

Interpreting Ancient Manuscripts >>

Posted by the Earlham School of Religion; main focus is the process used to study ancient manuscripts upon which the New Testament is based. Has information about reading criticial apparata, textual criticism, and a table of Greek manuscripts.

Jewish Publication Society Bible >>

This site provides online, searchable Old Testament texts in Hebrew and Aramaic. It is intended for those who know Hebrew well, not beginners. >>

Currently under development, the project is a web-based initiative to provide annotated Greek texts and tools for their analysis. The project aims both to serve, and to collaborate with, the scholarly community.

Perseus Digital Library >>

This digitial library contains a massive collection of original language texts, including the Westcott-Hort Greek New Testament, which is linked to the Liddell and Scott Greek lexicon, enabling the user to perform simple word studies. Has the best free tools for Greek and Latin sources outside the Bible. Allows for the searching of Greek or Latin words in texts that usually have translations. A bit hard to navigate, but useful for the persistent language scholar. The Chicago version is useful especially for Greek searches. See herefor the UTL version (UTORid required).

The Septuagint Online >>

Introduction to study of the Septuagint and links to web-based (downloadable or accessible online) editions of the Septuagint.

Strong's Concordance with Hebrew and Greek Lexicon >>

Online Greek and Hebrew lexicons which are searchable by Strong's word numbers (which is helpful only if you have access to a Bible with Strong's numbering).

Westcott-Hort Greek NT >>

Free download from Olive Tree Bible Software of the Greek NT based on Westcott-Hort text with NA26/27 variants.

2LetterLookup >>

Finds Hebrew and Greek and other ancient language words by clicking on the first two letters. Finds weak verbs and connects to real full-text lexicons.

Thesaurus Linguae Graecae (TLG) >>

Connects to nearly all of Greek literature. Some tools are free including the LSJ lexicon. See here for the UTL subscription (UTORid required).

Online Greek Bible >>

Based on the 26th edition of the Nestle-Aland Text. Has a searchable online text of the Greek NT.

Exegetical Resources >>

From the Institute of Biblical Greek, site links to sites which contain aids for four main areas of New Testament exegesis (lexical, morphological, grammatical, contextual).


Text and Canon

Biblical Canon >>

Article describing the origins of the Jewish and Christian canons, as well as comparing Catholic, Orthodox, and Protestant canons. Posted on Wikipedia, the free online encyclopedia.

Development of the Biblical Canon >>

Adapted from materials of Professor Paul Hahn of the University of St. Thomas, Houston, Texas, on the Columbia University web site. A brief time line of events related to development of the biblical canon.

Questions about the Biblical Canon >>

A short essay written by Gavin Rumney, a New Zealand layman, which points out the problems associated with uncritical acceptance of the biblical canon.

Biblical Canon >>

Contains tables showing the contents of the different early canons according to Marcion, Irenaeus, Eusebius and the modern churches.

Laparola >>

For textual criticism, this is the best tool for the NT. For the OT, payment is necessary at SESB.


Dead Sea Scrolls

Dead Sea Scrolls Institute >>

The Dead Sea Scrolls Institute was founded as a resource to the graduate program in biblical studies at Trinity Western University in Langley, BC. Its purpose is to both study and promote the importance of the Dead Sea Scrolls for the Christian community. The list of links on this site is worthwhile.

Israel Antiquities Authority >>

Dead Sea Scrolls exhibition.

Dead Sea Scrolls Timeline >>

Timeline for the history, writing, and discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls.

Outline of Objects and Topics in Scrolls from the Dead Sea >>

Posted on, an internet archive co-sponsored by the Center for the Public Domain and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.


Intertestamental Literature & Apocrypha

The Apocrypha Index >>

Christian deuterocanonical books and other apocryphal books, in English and Latin. From the Internet Sacred Text Archive.

Catholic Encyclopedia: Apocrypha >>

Article about apocryphal literature from the Catholic Encyclopedia.

Early Jewish Writings >>

Brief articles on and links to online texts of many early Jewish writings, mainly deuterocanonical and pseudepigraphal texts, but also including works by Josephus and Philo.

Metalogos: Coptic Gospels of Thomas, Philip and Truth; Ecumenical Coptic Project >>

Gospels of Thomas, Philip, and Truth, available for viewing online in English or Spanish translation or for download as MSWord files.


Special Archives

The Jocz Archive >>

This archive was created to preserve the literary legacy of Jakób Jocz and make his works available to a wider audience.

Full guidelines for MTS SE/Thesis and MDiv thesis requirements are posted online.

To register for a summative exercise or thesis, students are required to complete the Basic Degree Summative Exercise/Thesis Registration form available on our website (under Documents & Forms). 

Please note: thesis and summative exercises are subject to the same registration deadlines as regular courses.