About Us

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Affiliated with the University of Toronto and Toronto School of Theology, Wycliffe College is a graduate theological school rooted in an evangelical Anglican tradition. Our students come from a wide variety of backgrounds and denominations. 

Our goal is to challenge and encourage those who seek a greater understanding of the transforming power of Jesus Christ and to equip, through excellence in theological scholarship and spiritual formation, those who are called to ministry or academic pursuits.

Some things you should know

  • Wycliffe draws students from over 40 denominations.

  • Our graduates have gone on to teach at some of the finest institutions in the world and serve as pastors, missionaries, ministry leaders and business people equipped for service.

  • We are part of the University of Toronto, meaning that the majority of our degrees are awarded conjointly by both Wycliffe College and the University of Toronto.

  • Our fees are among the most affordable in Canada.

  • We are at the very centre of the University of Toronto, located in the downtown core of the city of Toronto, giving you access to a wealth of cultures and places to live out your faith.
