Wycliffe Open House 2016
Get a glimpse of life at Wycliffe College
Are you discerning a call to ministry? Come to Wycliffe to hear more about our history, identity, programs, student life, resources, how to finance your degree, and worship. You will have the opportunity to have dinner with and hear from faculty, staff, and current students as well as ask them questions about their experience and background. Hear Prof. Marion Taylor give a mini-lecture from her course on "Bad Boys and Girls in the Bible!"
Thinking about studying theology? Why study at Wycliffe?
• We have programs that are both innovative (MDiv Pioneer, MTS in Development) and traditional
(MDiv, MTS) to fit your particular ministry focus.
• Access to first class faculty and formation through common wor- ship in Founders’ Chapel and
extensive annual review process.
• Affordable tuition and financial support available to all qualifying students.
• Access to the resources of and fellowship with the wider Toronto School of Theology and the
University of Toronto including a world class library system.
What our Open House looks like:
• Remote Q & A with Faculty and Staff 12 PM EST: email admissions for
more information.
• In-person Q & A at 2:30 PM
• Information on programs and student life at Wycliffe.
• Evening Prayer in Founders’ Chapel 5 PM
• Complimentary dinner in the Reading Room 5:30 PM
• Opportunity to attend the Religion & Society panel discussion 7 - 9 PM free of charge with world-class scholars Laurence M. Krauss, Stephen C. Meyer, and Dennis O Lamoureux discussing evolution, creation and intelligent design from their various points of view. Sponsored by Wycliffe College, Power to Change, Faith Today, Network of Christian Scholars and RZIM.
RSVP and we will waive the $50 application fee, and provide tickets to the Religion & Society event; email Jonathan Clemens at