17th Annual Principal's Dinner with Dr. Alister McGrath

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On Tuesday, Sept 24, more than 150 participants attended Wycliffe College's 17th Annual Principal's Dinner, joining scientist, theologian, minister, and intellectual historian Dr Alister McGrath to discuss the topic of "Unity of the Kingdom."

Principal Stephen Andrews' address opened the conversation:

"Winston Churchill is credited with saying, ‘Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others.’ Of course, the truth in this statement lies in his observation that all politics must be worked out ‘in this world of sin and woe.’ Every system of human organisation – from nations to churches to marriage – has at its heart a fatal flaw: the propensity for self-interest.

Is there a ‘best form' of government? Jesus thought so. He promoted the idea of ‘God’s kingdom.’ But this was not just a physical kingdom, a kingdom like that of the 19th-century social gospel movement. For what Jesus envisioned, indeed, what he embodied and set in motion, was a transformed realm where spirit and matter, will and action come under the rule of the One who created and redeemed us."

 It was an evening of insightful conversations and fellowship. Thanks to everyone who joined us!