Dr. Peter Robinson becomes Academic Dean June 1

Peter Robinson 5

Wycliffe College's Six-Year Strategic Plan calls for the appointment of an Academic Dean to advance the College's academic goals. Professor of Proclamation, Worship and Ministry, Peter Robinson contributed significantly to crafting those goals, which, when combined with his natural aptitudes, made him an obvious choice for the position. Principal Stephen Andrews says he's looking forward to working with Peter in his new role. "His passion for teaching, along with his administrative gifts, will greatly enhance the work of my own office and will assist the College in becoming more effective in our mission," he says.

"There is no question that these are challenging times for the church and for theological education," says Peter. "Yet, at Wycliffe, there are many reasons to be hopeful and to give thanks. Most especially for the people: the faculty, staff, students, and the many people who faithfully support the work of the College. It is a great privilege to be part of what God is doing in this place."