Einstein's God: A Theory of Everything with Alister McGrath

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On September 25, the Wycliffe College-sponsored public lecture "Einstein's God: A Theory of Everything (That Matters)" with featured speaker Alister McGrath and Q&A panellists Michael Ramsden, Barth Netterfield, and moderator Wesley Huff, was held at Knox Presbyterian Church. It explored the religious views of Albert Einstein, one of the greatest scientific minds of the last century.

It was a thought-provoking evening with 450 people in attendance. The speakers unpacked the difference between the "cosmic religious feeling" of Einstein, which drove him into a sense of awe and purpose, and the relationship with a personal God through Jesus Christ that Christians enjoy.

The event wrapped up with a reception at Wycliffe College where the speakers and attendees gathered for further conversation.

Thanks to all the participants, as well as our volunteers and partners: RZIM Canada, Canadian Scientific & Christian Affiliation, Power to Change - University of Toronto.