Women in theology


The first cross-disciplinary Women in Theology Seminar at Wycliffe College was held on Thursday, March 15, 2018. 

Three women scholars from Toronto School of Theology ---  Leanne Ketcham and Emma Ceruti from Emmanuel College, and Rachel Krohn from Wycliffe College ---  presented their latest work from a cross-section of disciplines: practical theology, systematic theology and biblical studies. With over 40 people in attendance, many ideas were exchanged in the Q&A time afterwards.

This seminar was launched by three Wycliffe PhD students: Kira Moolman, Hannah Mudge and Carolyn Mackie. Their aim? To create a platform from which women theologians present their latest work and ideas in a cross-disciplinary forum, in celebration of women's leadership and contributions in theology. "We'd like to make it an annual event," says Mackie.