The Anglican Communion after New Orleans and The Joint Standing Committee Report

Date of publication
As many predicted, some hopefully and some fearfully, the Joint Standing Committee (JSC) have given a positive assessment of the response of the The Episcopal Church's (TEC) House of Bishops to the Primates' Questions from Dar Es Salaam. In particular, in relation to the two key requests concerning TEC's response to The Windsor Report (TWR), JSC conclude
By their answers to these two questions, we believe that the Episcopal Church has clarified all outstanding questions relating to their response to the questions directed explicitly to them in the Windsor Report, and on which clarifications were sought by 30th September 2007, and given the necessary assurances sought of them (9).

Equally predictably, this has not been well received in parts of the Communion:
·    Mouneer Anis, Primate of Jerusalem and the Middle East and member of the Primates' Standing Committee subsequently issued a minority report;

·    Henry Orombi, Primate of Uganda and member of the Primates' Standing Committee who refused to participate in the process has also rejected the JSC report;

·    The Primates of CAPA issued a statement making clear that it had not won their consent.
