Vestigia Dei
Wycliffe College Blog

Vestigia Dei  – is a Latin term meaning “traces of God.” As a theological term it is associated with natural theology – that is, the view that there are vestiges of God within creation. We’ve chosen this term as the title of the Wycliffe College blog because our hope is that through these writings, readers might glimpse evidences for God as our writers interact with the wider world.

Thoughts on Collecting Art

Sandra Bowden

I just returned from a trip to England visiting towns northeast of London – where my mother’s relatives lived in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries – searching for churches where they had worshiped before their immigration to the New World. Some of the churches were in small villages, while others had to be ferreted out by driving down miles of narrow hedged roads and past fields of spring hay and intense yellow rapeseed before spotting a bell tower through a cluster of trees.

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Reflections on Divine Providence for times like these

Mark W. Elliott

I can recall as a pre-school infant asking my parents about the likelihood of nuclear war, which seemed an ever-present danger in the UK of the early 1970s.

Christmas Reflections: A Strange Way to Save the World

Ruth Barlett

Ruth Bartlett is the 2018-2019 Senior Student. She is in the MTSD and the MDiv combined-degree program.  She hopes to be ordained with the Canadian Baptists of Ontario and Quebec. 


Introducing The Evangelical Fellowship in the Anglican Communion

Richard Crocker

The Evangelical Fellowship in the Anglican Communion (EFAC) cites Wycliffe College as one of its sister organizations. EFAC's General Secretary, Rev'd Richard Crocker, explains the history and work of the organization below.