Graduate Student Spotlight

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Yongmei Wang rs

Yongmei Wang

Doctor of Philosophy in Theological Studies (Ph.D.)

One afternoon in November 2018, Suet Ming Yeong and I were visiting–it was the first time we had seen each other since 2015. Suet Ming had been doing her doctoral studies at Wycliffe. I was pastoring a Chinese church and teaching biblical Hebrew at a seminary in Vancouver. Our meeting was supposed to be simply a chance to catch up 

Suet Ming started to tell me very excitedly about the PhD program in Old Testament studies at Wycliffe. By the end of our meeting, I was pretty sure that I wanted to study at Wycliffe too. Four days before the first application deadline, my husband, who was in China at that time, called to offer his support. With Suet Ming’s help, I completed my application in time and in the midst of my full workload at church.  

I decided to pursue doctoral studies because I believed that a good church needs to be established on the solid ground of the Word of God. I wanted to know more about the Word of God so that I might become a means by which God blesses the global Chinese church. I used to be a university teacher in China and I sensed that God was calling me back to teaching, but this time at seminary.