Judy PaulsenProfessor of EvangelismDMin (Fuller Theological Seminary) BA (Western), MScA (McGill), MDiv (Wycliffe)Judy Paulsen has served as Wycliffe’s Professor of Evangelism since 2013, teaching courses on evangelism, gospel, church, & culture, worship, and Christian leadership. Prior to accepting this position, she served as an Anglican priest and pastor for fifteen years. From 2016 through 2023, she served as the director of Wycliffe’s Institute of Evangelism, working with churches, dioceses, and denominations, to help them better share the Christian faith in their context. She has been a sought-after speaker for conferences, retreats, and workshops; something she continues to enjoy. As a daughter of missionaries to northwest India, Judy’s primary interests continue to lie in effective communication of the gospel, and in equipping women and men for servant leadership in today’s Church. Her hobbies include travelling anywhere with her husband Pat, kayaking, cooking for friends, and hanging out with her kids and grandkids.
Evangelism & discipleship, The interactions between the gospel, Church, and culture, Missional leadership, Theological interpretation of Scripture Books
- Judith Paulsen, A New and Ancient Evangelism: Rediscovering the God Who Calls and Sends, Baker Academic, publication expected in the spring of 2024.
- Judy Paulsen, Patrick Paulsen & Susan Bell. Christian Foundations: A Grounding for a Life of Faith , Wycliffe College, Toronto, ON, 3rd edition, 2018.
- “Called by the Light of the World” in Kingdom Manifesto, Jason N. Yuh (Ed.), Wycliffe Studies in Gospel, Church, and Culture, Wipf and Stock Publishers: Eugene, OR, 2021. (p.23-28)
- “How to (and How Not To) Pastor”, in Hard Words for Desperate Times: Going Deep with Ezekiel, Caleb Gunlach (Ed.), Wycliffe Studies in Gospel, Church and Culture, Wipf & Stock, Eugene, OR, 2020. (p. 70-76)
- “Being Intentional in Leadership” in Good News Church: Celebrating the Legacy of Harold Percy. John Bowen & Michael Knowles (Eds.) Burlington, ON: Castle Quay Books, 2018. (p.49-62)
- “Standing Fast in the Meantime” in Behold, I am Coming Soon, Mari Leesment (Ed.), Wycliffe Studies in Gospel, Church and Culture, Wipf and Stock Publishers: Eugene, OR, 2018. (p.44-48)
- “Hedonism”, in Confronting the Idols of Our Age, Thomas Power (Ed.), Wycliffe Studies in Gospel, Church and Culture, Wipf & Stock, Eugene, OR, 2017. (p. 8-14)
- “Does Messy Church Produce Disciples?”, in Messy Church Theology: Exploring the significance of Messy Church for the Wider Church, George Lings (Ed.), BRF, Abingdon: UK, 2013. (p. 68-90)
- “The Temptation of the Godless Sermon”, Wycliffe College Blog, January 25th, 2023.
- “The Three Experiments series: Invite a Friend or Colleague to Explore the Claims of Christianity” in Good Idea, e-letter of the Institute of Evangelism, January 7th, 2023.
- “Scripture Readings for a Church in Trouble”, Wycliffe College Blog, October 17th, 2022.
- “The Three Experiments series: Invite a Friend to a Gospel Conversation”” in Good Idea, e-letter of the Wycliffe Institute of Evangelism, September 29th, 2022.
- “The Three Experiments series: Invite Some Friends to Dinner church” in Good Idea, e-letter of the Wycliffe Institute of Evangelism, September 4th, 2022.
- “Body Talk: Is There a Christian Way to Think About Our Bodies?”, Wycliffe College Blog, January 10, 2022.
- Tips on Making the Most of Seasonal Outreach Opportunities”, in Faith Today, Nov/Dec issue, 2021.
Creative Professional Activity
- Keynote address, “Transformation in the Public Square: What One Conversion Story of Scripture Can Teach Us”, Bible Engagement Forum: Global Bible Societies meeting of the Canadian Bible Society, the American Bible Society, the British and Foreign Bible Society, the Ireland Bible Society, the New Zealand Bible Society, the Australian Bible Society, and the Bible Society of Slovenia, in Niagara Falls, Ontario, May 25th, 2023.
- Retreat, “Drinking Deeply from the Living Water”, Diocese of Fredericton, St. John, New Brunswick, May 11th – 13th, 2023.
- Presentation via Zoom, “Hope in a Tumultuous Time”, to the National House of Bishops, Anglican Church of Canada, Niagara Falls, Ontario, April19, 2023.
- Podcast episode, “How Bible Curiosity Can Deepen Your Faith”, for the Scripture Untangled podcast of the Canadian Bible Society, November 14th, 2022. https://biblesociety.ca/scriptureuntangled/podcast-season-2-episode-10-judy-paulsen-how-bible-curiosity-can-deepen-your-faith/#listen
- On-line webinar series, “Just Imagine: An Interactive Series on Furthering the Family of Christ”, five webinars offered to the Anglican Diocese of Athabasca (northwest Alberta), March 10th, and then May through November 2022.
- Presentation, “Hope, Curiosity, and Experiments: Leading in a Time of Adaptive Challenge”, Diocese of Toronto’s Momentum Group (post-ordination training program), St, James Cathedral Centre, May 19th, 2022.
- On-line workshop, “The Curious Lessons in Biblical Conversion Stories”, St. Bride Anglican Church, Mississauga, ON, April 20th, 2022.
- On-line presentation to St. Andrew’s Hall, Vancouver School of Theology, “The Institute of Evangelism resources and evangelistic preaching”, March 24th, 2022.
- Workshops, “Evangelism: The Work of All the People of God”, Laurentian Regional Ministry, Diocese of Montreal, June 14th & 21st, 2021.
- Workshop, “Evangelism: Taking Root and Flourishing”, Evangelism cohort of the Presbyterian Church in Canada Evangelism Network. Wednesday May 19th, 2021.
- Keynote presentations, “The Challenges of Evangelism: How do we invite people?”, Diocesan Synod conference of the Diocese of Montreal, Friday May 14th and Saturday May 15th, 2021.
- Keynote address, “Proclaiming Christ to a Disinterested World?”, Cruxifusion conference, Tuesday April 20th, 2021.
Contact Judy