Ways to Give






The Wycliffe Annual Fund is the mainstay of the College’s ability to sustain and grow programs, services and bursary support. It also helps us quickly address areas of greatest need. Whether to develop a new course or repair a classroom, your gift to the Annual Fund makes an impact today. If you wish to learn more about Wycliffe’s current priorities, please contact the Development Office at 416-946-3549 or give@wycliffe.utoronto.ca.




For many, the cost of graduate level theological study can be prohibitive. This is why Wycliffe strives to extend bursary support to each and every student. You can directly encourage this year’s students and future classes with a gift to the bursary fund. You can direct your gift to the bursary fund today or to learn more about a specific bursary or to create a new one, please contact the Development Office at 416-946-3549 or give@wycliffe.utoronto.ca.





With steady enrolments, gifted faculty, strong leadership and healthy finances, Wycliffe College is on the cusp of an exciting future: a future in which we will pursue our renewed mission to God’s glory of educating people for practical ministry and theological scholarship in Christ’s global church and the world. Our future promises to be one of significant change: in the demand for and delivery of theological education; in the profile of theological students; and in the Church. We make such plans boldly, even as we renew our commitment to being a place where future Church leaders can learn to read Scripture well, hear God’s Word, and in turn, respond to the painful cries of the world. To learn more about our new Strategic Plan, visit www.wycliffecollege.ca/about-us/strategic-plan, or contact the Development Office at 416-946-3549 or give@wycliffe.utoronto.ca. 






ONE-TIME CASH GIFTS: Cash gifts are one of the simplest ways to give to Wycliffe College. You can make your one time gift with cash, cheque, or credit card on our secure website, or over the phone. Single one-time gifts will receive a tax receipt within three weeks.

RECURRING GIFTS: Your monthly gift provides a dependable resource for Wycliffe College to steward. It also has low administration costs, which ensures that your investment is used most efficiently. Monthly giving maximizes your donation over 12 months, with a single consolidated receipt and the option to cancel at any time. You can make your monthly recurring gifts through pre-authorized banking transactions, credit card transactions, or post-dated cheques.




Giving publicly listed stocks and securities is a way to give from your assets without paying tax on any capital gain. You will receive a charitable tax receipt for the fair market value of the security you give.

You can support Wycliffe’s Annual Fund, Bursary Fund, Strategic Fund or designate your gift to a special need that you are interested in. To learn more about how to make a gift of securities to Wycliffe and to find out about Wycliffe’s current needs and special projects, please contact the Development Office at 416-946-3549 or give@wycliffe.utoronto.ca.

The following links will provide you with all the information you will need to give a gift of stocks & securities.



Did you know that you may be eligible to double your gift? Many companies encourage a culture of giving by offering a matching gift program to their employees and some even extend the program to spouses and retirees.

To see if your employer provides this program, contact your Human Resources designate today.



Planning your estate?  There are many ways to leave a legacy to your church and other favourite charities.

Along with bequests in your Will, there are numerous planned giving options that can be tailored to suit your needs.

Download Wycliffe College's free Will Planner and Estate Information Kit


Wycliffe College has partnered with ADVISORS with Purpose to offer you the opportunity to work with an Estate Advisor who can help you think through your decisions regarding your estate, and create for you a unique Estate Plan for your will that reflects your life, faith, and values. These services are free to you, fully confidential, there is no obligation and we promise that no one will sell you anything.

To get started, email plan@advisorswithpurpose.ca or click here to schedule an appointment with an advisor.



Providing for Wycliffe in your will is one of the easiest ways to make a lasting impact on the College’s ministries. You can choose to leave a specific amount or a residual amount (a percentage) of your estate, once loved ones and other interests are taken care of. Making a bequest is an effective way to reduce estate taxes also. A bequest is revocable so if your circumstances change, you can change your estate plan at any time.

Most commonly, bequests to Wycliffe become part of the College’s endowment which generates income in perpetuity. But you can also direct your own bequest to a specific purpose if you so choose.

If you would like to use this option, the text below is sample wording for a bequest designation. 

I devise and bequeath to Wycliffe College ___% of the residue of my estate [or the sum of $____________.] This gift is to be used for such purposes and designs as deemed appropriate by Wycliffe College Board of Trustees.



You can make a very large impact with relatively smaller contributions through a gift of life insurance. Donate an existing policy and receive charitable tax receipts for the surrender value and premiums paid thereafter. Or, name Wycliffe College as the beneficiary of an existing or workplace policy and your estate will receive a charitable tax receipt. Or, create a new policy and receive charitable tax receipts for subsequent premium payments.



You can name Wycliffe College as the beneficiary of funds remaining in your Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSPs) and Registered Retirement Income Funds (RRIFs). Doing this is simple, there is no cost and with a charitable tax receipt, it is an effective way to minimize final taxation on these assets.



Do you have a capital asset that you have considered leaving to Wycliffe College but need the tax benefit?  A Charitable Remainder Trust pays you an annual, taxable income for the rest of your life 


  • CRT’s allow you to make a major gift to the College without depleting your cash-flow
  • A gift of residual interest allows you the use of the property for life
  • Trusts are not included in the value of your estate and are not subject to probate.
  • Trusts can be administered by the College or a professional of your choice



Did you know there’s a way to give a charitable contribution and to receive income for life? A gift annuity is a life-income vehicle which returns a competitive rate of return to the donor, most or all of which is tax-free, with a residue which goes to the College.


  • Your gift to Wycliffe College is locked in when you purchase the annuity. The rate of return on Gift Annuities is always better than bank or bond rates, even for younger donors
  • The majority of income is received tax free (55%- 100%)
  • Part of the original principal is eligible for a tax receipt for older donors (aged 79 years +)
  • Joint annuities can be arranged which provide a lifetime income to a surviving spouse

If God has put something specific on your heart, please contact us! We would love you chat. To discuss your planned giving options, and/or receive a paper copy of Wycliffe College's free Will Planner and Estate Information Kit, please contact the Development Office 416-946-3549 or give@wycliffe.utoronto.ca. 

We are so grateful for your support!