Anglican Communion Institute (ACI)

A Statement Regarding Upholding the Ministry of Faithful Bishops

Many Anglicans were convinced that September 30th, 2007, would bring clarity to the ongoing struggle within the Anglican Communion over the church's coherent witness.  By this day, it was hoped, there would be a clear decision as to the Episcopal Church's House of Bishops commitment to abide by the common teaching and discipline of the Communion; by this date "realignment" according to the definitions of this teaching and discipline would proceed with general and orderly consent.  Obviously, this has not happened.  But a new push to re-order the lines of jurisdiction within American Anglicanis

The Anglican Communion after New Orleans and The Joint Standing Committee Report

As many predicted, some hopefully and some fearfully, the Joint Standing Committee (JSC) have given a positive assessment of the response of the The Episcopal Church's (TEC) House of Bishops to the Primates' Questions from Dar Es Salaam. In particular, in relation to the two key requests concerning TEC's response to The Windsor Report (TWR), JSC conclude

Ephraim Radner Lectures on Conciliarism

I have been invited to talk about something called "conciliarism" and its relevance for our life as Anglican Christians.  There is an obvious reason for exposing this topic in a public forum within our church.  And this is because, in the current struggle within Anglicanism, we have, both by default and by design, ended up acting out a debate over whether our Christian lives as churches together are to be governed by "common consent" within a council, or by some other, more local, individual, or informal means.  And more generally, although conciliarism is not exactly a hot topic within the la

Look Toward Heaven and Number the Stars: A Sermon by the Rev. Dr. Philip Turner

I have just returned from work at Camp Allen with my colleague Philip Turner.  Given our season of prayer and challenge, I found the attached sermon especially uplifting.  ACI is happy to share it with the wider blogosphere.
Grace and Peace,

Chris Seitz
President, ACI

GEN. 15:1-6 HEB. 11:1-3; 8-16 LUKE 12:32-40